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Help! I Am Getting Eaten Alive by BedBugs

by Joe Rob

At my moms I know she has bed bugs because I am always getting bit mostly the top of my shoulder, around my waist and feet, barely ever see them unless its like between midnight and sunrise.

Anyways my mom doesn't believe it is bad enough to do more then just spraying the kind of bed bug spray u can get at your local family dollar. Every time she sprays I still get bit as soon as it starts getting late and the house is quiet and all the kids are in bed. I get bitten so much i have welts all over above said body areas.

My mom never gets any marks nor dose my brother, but my 2 nephews get bit up. My niece and my sister in law are not as bad as me thought they will get a red mark here or there.

My question is, Is there anything at all i can do yo help from getting bit up so much. I sleep in the chair in the living room and sprayed the hell out of the chair to the point it was soaked and still get ate up like a piece of liver. Anything I buy that's not an arm and a leg to help at all will be greatly appreciated.

I know its a long shot but figured wouldn't hurt to ask. I tell my mom she need to have some professional come in and take a look

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Mar 06, 2021
Bed Bug Bite Relief
by: Jeff

Hi Joe,

So sorry to hear about your bed bug problem. There are a few things you can do.

First, wear tight fitting clothes at night. Bed bugs do not bite through clothing. If you wear sweats or pajamas at night, wear socks over the bottoms of your pants. Wear a shirt that covers as much skin area as possible.

It sounds like the chair has an infestation. Check the seams and see if you can spot any live insects. If you can spray the insects on contact. You can also buy diatomaceous dust in your supermarket or hardware store. Apply after the spray dries in a thin layer.

If you are sleeping in a chair after spraying you want to make sure that insects cannot crawl up the legs to reach you. Try putting a plastic container under each let you make it more difficult for the insects to reach you. Keep the chair away from any walls.

In terms of some people have getting bed bug bites and others showing no bites, this is because a bite reaction is an allergic reaction. It doesn't mean that others aren't being bitten. It just means that they aren't allergic like you are to each bite.

It sounds like your home has a large infestation that can only be treated with a professional. Some exterminators will work with you on cost. If this isn't an option than try buying a bed bug kit that has all of the products you need, which includes sprays that kill on contact and others that provide some longer lasting protection (you need each type for treatment.) You can slso try vacuuming along any seams where you sleep. A hair drying on the high heat setting held for about 10 seconds along seams where bed bugs hide will also kill the insects.

Best of luck as you try and eliminate the problem.

- Jeff

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