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How People Defeat Bed Bugs

by Jerry Cohen
(Daly City, CA 94015)

Bed Bug infestations are becoming more common around the country. Places like New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Cleveland, are reporting an epidemic of Bed Bugs. Over the last 10 years Bed Bugs have exploded in homes. What is the cause of the rise in Bed Bugs? Some people say that because the decline in the effectiveness of the chemicals from 30 years ago is the problem. I do not buy into that theory. The chemicals that are used today are very effective. Part of the problem I believe is when a pest control company is going into a home, they have a limited amount of time they can spend in a dwelling. To kill Bed Bugs, you need to be able to spend a lot of time, you need to be a detective and keep searching.

First check your mattress and box spring. They are called Bed Bugs, because they like to hide in your bed. Flip the mattress. box spring and furniture over and take a flashlight, start checking all the seams and crevices of the bedding and furniture. You are looking for tiny brown spots in the seams of the mattress, box spring and furniture. You need to inspect nightstands, dresser draws, bed frames, curtains and closets. You are also looking for live and dead bed bugs as well.

Bed Bugs are small, flat, wingless insects with six legs, like mosquitoes, feed on blood from humans and animals. They range in color from white to brown, but they turn rusty red after feeding. The common Bed Bug does not grow longer then 0.2 inches and can be seen by the naked eye if present. Bed Bugs can hide almost any where in your living area.

How to prepare for a Bed Bug treatment.

Wash all your clothes, linens, including pillows shams, and even curtains in hot water for at least 30 minutes. Put your belongings in air tight plastic bags to make sure new Bed Bugs cannot get into your belongings. Prepare your moving space like you are moving to give the exterminator full access to your living space. Empty all drawers and dressers. Remove books from
book shelves. Consistently vacuum every day and always dispose of the vacuum bag.

Treating a Bed Bug Infestation.

The first thing you always do when treating a Bed Bug infestation is always to inspect first. My first piece of Bed Bug equipment is a steam machine. Start by steaming the mattress and box spring. The steam kills the Bed Bugs and eggs. The most important thing the steam does is drive the Bed Bugs out of the seams and crevices from the velocity of the steam coming out the steam machine and makes it easier to find the insects and kill them faster. When using chemicals to drive the Bed Bugs out of where they are living I use Whitmire PT565XLO Pyrethrum. The first and most imporant chemical in any pest control program. Most people when they use a Pyrethrum based chemical says it does not work. That is because most people do not understand that Pyrethrum use is to drive the Bugs out from where they are living. Then you can use a spray or a direct contact chemical that will kill them on contact. You can take off the front of the electrical switches and treat with a dust such as Boric Acid or my favorite Drione powder. As you are treating you are inspecting constantly in search of the dreaded Bug Bug.

Vacuuming and living clutter FREE

Now you inspected, prepared and initially treated your Bed Bug infestation, you need to consistently vacuum your living area. Vacuum the mattress and box spring for starters. Vacuum all the furniture and the seams around the walls and carpeting. You do not want to leave any dust or hair balls in the house. Do not accumulate a lot of unused stuff, be smart and dispose of any unused materials in your living space giving less room for the Bed Bugs to hide in your home.

After the initial treatment.

Now that your initial treatment is done you need to keep inspecting and have the exterminator come back within 14 days of treatment. Bed Bug eggs generally hatch in less then 21 day, so you need to re-inspect and treat again if necessary.

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Jun 01, 2022
Great Information
by: Kathy H., S.E. Texas

I don’t have bed bugs, but as a school nurse I often, unfortunately, encounter children who do.

After it has been confirmed that a student’s home has been infested the student must go directly to the clinic upon arrival to the school and place their backpack, lunch kit and jacket, if they have one, into a big plastic tub with a lid. (The big plastic box has some type of bait cartridge in it.) I then have to physically check the student for the bugs before sending them to class.

It can be a demoralizing experience for them, especially if it gets out to the other students. Of course I try to do this as discretely as possible.

The school’s pest control department will come and inspect the box every 1 to 2 days.

Mar 05, 2021
Bed Bugs Handbook Editor
by: Jeff


Thank you for providing your professional perspective on how to treat a bed bug infestation. You can reach Jerry at:

Jerry Cohen
The Pest Expert
Daly City, CA 94015

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