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Reno Nevada Bed Bug Laws, Information & Resources

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"As a top tourist destination, Reno is not immune from bed bug problems. When visiting a hotel you have to assume that at one point there was a problem. The only question is was it treated.

If you are a tenant, check your rental agreement for your rights. In Nevada a tenant is legally obligated to provide a habitable apartment that is free from pests. Once a tenant moves in, the burden can shift to the tenant where they are responsible for the consequences of their own negligent acts, deliberate acts or omissions. Said another way, the landlord can claim that the tenant brought bed bugs into the apartment." 

bed bugs hotels in renoReno Hotels With Consumer Reported Bed Bug Problems
Source: Bed Bug Registry

tenant rights and bed bug Laws

In Nevada, Landlord and tenant law is governed by NRS 118A.355(2)(a). Landlords are required to provide a habitable apartment that is free from pests. However, once a tenant moves in, the tenant may have difficulty holding the landlord responsible unless it is specifically spelled out in the rental agreement.

Tenants are advised to:

  • Review and amend any rental agreement that does not state that the landlord must not only inspect an apartment 2 to 3 days after notification, but that must also remediate any problems at their expense.
  • Check the apartment carefully before moving in
  • Assume that you will have to pay if you cannot amend the rental agreement. The exception might be an infestation that spreads from an adjacent rental unit to your unit. 

Depending on the working of the lease, you might be able to break the lease under certain circumstances. It is best to consult with a local attorney that specializes in these matters.

The law specifically states that: building, grounds, appurtenances and all other areas under the landlord’s control at the time of the commencement of the tenancy in every part clean, sanitary and reasonably free from all accumulations of debris, filth, rubbish, garbage, rodents, insects and vermin."

After a tenant takes possession of an apartment, according to NRS 118A.290:

The landlord shall at all times during the tenancy maintain the dwelling unit in a habitable condition. A dwelling unit is not habitable if it violates provisions of housing or health codes concerning the health, safety, sanitation or fitness for habitation of the dwelling unit or if it substantially lacks:

To our knowledge, there is no explicit clause indicating that landlords have to pay for bed bug treatment after a tenant moves in.  the best approach for a tenant is to contact the Washoe County health department for guidance and confirmation that a bed bug problem exists in the apartment.  Sometimes the best approach is to try and split the cost of bed bug treatment with building management.

Read More About Nevada and Reno Landlord, Tenant Law

Article by a Las Vegas Bed Bug Attorney

Government Resources and information

Washoe County Bed Bug Information

Nebraska bed bugs news

"Please Help Me": Local Leaders Fail to Connect the Dots- Unanswered bed bug complaints in Reno
- This is Reno

Reno Bed Bug Hotel Reports

steps to eliminate bed bugs from your home or apartment

Bed bugs are very hard to treat yourself (or even for a professional). For this reason we suggest you at least have a professional confirm the presence of bed bugs and what is required to treat the problem. (see below for suggested exterminators).

Given the high cost of bedbug treatment, many home owners or tenants decide to treat the problem themselves.  The key is to use the correct combination of products.  There is no single product bed bug solution.  For example there is no spray that provides lasting protection and that  also does a good job of killing bed bug eggs on contact.

The cheapest way to treat an infestation yourself is to purchase needed bed bug products needed in a kit.

sTep 1: Clean

Pack any loose items in the infested room. Place into a sealed plastic bag or container. Pack. remove and wash in hot water any items such as clothing, linens, clothes stored need the bed etc. 

Vacuum any bed bugs that you can spot and then dispose of the vacuum bag in a sealed plastic bag.  Use the vacuum crevice tool along mattress/box spring seams, the bed frame, along baseboards etc.

If you have a hand steamer, go over the mattress and box spring with the vacuum and then steam.

Do not carry items from an infested room without sealing into a bag. If you do not, you can risk dropping bed bugs into other areas of the home.

Step 2: Spray

To knock down or reduce the bed bug population in the infested room, use a mattress safe bed bug spray. A good option tested to kill insecticide resistant bed bugs is Sterifab.

Once the mattress is treated remove from the room that has the infestation, into a nearby hallway. Then treat the box spring. Be sure to treat inside the thin fabric covering.

Remove the box spring to a hallway. Then treat the bed frame.

After using the contact spray, continue treatment with a residual spray such as Phantom. Phantom cannot be detected by bed bugs after it dries.  

Step 3: Use bed bug dust

Spread bed bug dust around the room in cracks and crevices. If any bugs are left or if any eggs haven't hatched, the dust will attach to the bed bugs shell and kill them.  To trap any bed bugs you might have missed, consider purchasing bed bug mattress and box spring covers.

See our guide for detailed instructions on eliminating bed bugs.  As mentioned a bed bug kit is the most economical way to buy the products you need. Kits come with detailed instructions. Expect to apply two to three treatments since it is easy to miss bed bug eggs.

Traveler bed bug prevention

Tips for prevention of bedbugs when staying in a Reno hotel:

  1. Inspect the hotel room before entering with your luggage. Check the mattress for signs of blood or brown stains, which are indications of a bed bug infestation. Be sure to check box springs as well.
  2. Google Reno hotels to see if any have a history of bed bugs. Ask if your room or any adjacent rooms have had a recent problem.
  3. If you have signs of bites in the morning, ask the front desk for a room inspection and if concerned,  ask for another room.
  4. Do not leave any bags or your luggage on the floor where bed bugs can easily climb up and ride with you home.

Local Bed bug Pest control experts

It can cost $400 a room to treat bed bugs in Reno.  Because of the high cost, it pays to get several quotes.  The easiest way to get a few quotes is to do the following:

1. Get a Free Home Inspection from Exterminators on the  eLocal Network (877-673-2704): This is a national network of pest control companies that are pre-screened before being approved for membership in the network.  Each member needs to be licensed and insured.

2. Request a Free Home Inspection From Home Advisor
Visit our page on finding an exterminator to request up to 3 quotes and for a list of questions to ask.

If you have a small infestation or need to treat a room yourself, we highly recommend that you purchase a kit designed for this purpose that contains the required pesticides  (using only 1 spray for example will not both kill bed bugs on contact and provide lasting protection).  Kits can be affordably purchased along with treatment instructions from Bed Bug Supply

You do not need to throw out your mattresses. Instead use a bed bug proof mattress cover to trap any bed bugs. Don't use a cover until the mattress and surrounding areas have been treated. The cover will then trap any insects you might have missed during treatment.


How can you tell if a room has bed bugs?

There are multiple bed bug signs in a home or apartment including skin bites, brown or red mattress stains and spots, furniture upholstery stains, or the sighting of an insect hiding in a tight crack or mattress crevice. The only sure way to know if to capture one or more actual pests.

do you have to throw out your bed if you have bed bugs?

You do not have to throw out your bed if you have bed bugs. After treatment from a a professional exterminator or do it yourself treatment with a kit, use a bed bug proof mattress cover to trap any insects you might have missed.

what kills bed bug eggs instantly?

Bed bug eggs can be killed instantly with a pesticide based spray formulated for this purpose such as Sterifab. Nymphs (bed bug babies) and adults can be killed with the same spray. Also use a residual spray to kill any bed bugs you might have missed.

Do bed bugs ever go away?

Yes, bed bugs will go away when properly treated . Often 2 to 3 treatments are needed using products that kill on contact and that provide longer lasting protection. If a tenant, all adjacent rooms or apartments need to be inspected.

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