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DE All Natural

by Kelly

Diatomaceous Earth Combined with a Natural Spray Can Be Effective at Killing Bed Bugs Naturally

Diatomaceous Earth Combined with a Natural Spray Can Be Effective at Killing Bed Bugs Naturally

The use of food grade DE also know as diatomaceous earth can be purchased at most local feed stores and is relatively safe to use around kids and pets. There are some precautions to take when using this. I can cause upper respiratory irritation as it is a power. I will dry out your skin but a quick hand wash will take care of that.

The other plus to this is that it kills ALL insects. Roaches, spiders, fleas etc. DE is made from ancient sea animals, if I am not mistaken, and works by drying out the insect that walks over the treated area. Thus killing it. This power can be left on the treat area, it doesn't "wear off" or you can vacuum it up at some point.

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Oct 17, 2016
Bed Bugs and Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
by: Jeffrey

I agree that DE is a natural and effective way to kill bed bugs. I'd suggest combining the use of a powder with a natural knock down spray such as Eco Defense. The spray will reduce the size of the bed bug population by reducing the size of the infestation. Any bed bugs you miss will be killed when they cross through the dust field.

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