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Bed Bugs In Apartment

by Atiq warraich
(Gaithersburg, MD)

I moved to Maryland, Eaves Apartments on Quince Orchard Blvd. in Gaithersburg last year. A month ago, exterminator showed up at our apartment asking if we have bed bugs and he needs to examine the apartment.

He just looked around the walls and declared that it's clear. A few days later I started having some allergic reaction to something and had bumps on my body.

In my apartment building the infestation started in one of the neighbors apartment and we were asked to do the inspection. We were asked for inspection when it was spread out to the entire building already. The apartment people didn't do anything to prevent it from spreading to the other apartments.

A few days later, we started seeing the bed bugs and I found out that I am highly allergic to bed bugs/spray. Every time I go in my apartment, I get hives/bumps and rashes on my body. We have had three treatments, haven't seen bugs anymore but neighbors had six treatments and still bugs in there.

Apartment management doesn't seems to be helpful and it has made my life miserable. I am sleeping outside of my own apartment because of this to stay out of trouble because at mid night I almost made it to the emergency by severe allergic reaction from the fumes/bug spray where my medical student doc wife saved my life by rushing to CVS at 4 am in the morning and getting me the medication. My entire face was out of proportion/swollen and full of rashes and bumps. I survived but found out it's because of bed bugs and the spray that apartment people did in the apartment. Please help...

Also, I see homeless and really very dirty nasty people coming out of the downstair apartments. For sure they are not living there or someone is not letting them stay at their apartment otherwise they would at least could have done the laundry or taken the shower but it look like they been sleeping in the mud. Could you please help?

Best Regards,
Atiq Warraich

Editor Suggestions: Bed
Bugs in Apartment

Dear Atiq,

I'm sorry to hear about your difficult situation. Dealing with bed bugs and an allergic reaction can be very challenging. While I'm not a legal expert, I can offer some general advice on steps you could take to address this issue:

Document everything: Keep detailed records of your interactions with the apartment management, exterminators, and any other relevant parties. Take photos of the bed bugs, your bites, and any damage to your belongings.

Consult a medical professional: If you haven't already, see a doctor to confirm the cause of your allergic reactions and to receive appropriate medical advice. Obtain any necessary documentation to support your claims about the allergic reactions.

Communicate with your landlord or apartment management: Inform them in writing about the ongoing issue, your allergic reaction, and the impact it has had on your life. Request prompt and effective action to address the infestation in your apartment and throughout the building.

Review your lease and local laws: Familiarize yourself with your rights as a tenant and any relevant laws in your jurisdiction, such as habitability and warranty of habitability laws. These laws may provide protections for tenants dealing with issues like pest infestations.

Seek legal advice: Consult with a local attorney or legal aid organization to explore your options for recourse. They may be able to provide guidance on how to hold your landlord or apartment management accountable for addressing the infestation.

Engage with your neighbors: Connect with other tenants experiencing similar issues to share information and potentially work together to address the problem. There may be strength in numbers when dealing with apartment management or pursuing legal action.

Consider alternative housing: If the situation doesn't improve and your health is at risk, you may need to explore alternative housing options, such as breaking your lease and finding a new place to live.

We would start by contacting a local attorney via the closest legal aid office to you, or a Maryland based attorney that specializes in bed bugs.

Best of Luck with a tough situation,

Editor and Publisher
Bed Bugs Handbook

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