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Bed Bug Hospital Problem

by Nikki
(Grand Rapids, MI)

Suspected Bed Bug Bite from Hospital Stay

Suspected Bed Bug Bite from Hospital Stay

I was at the hospital with my daughter. I noticed that there was a bug on the bed. I got it off the bed and then looked at my daughter's leg.

There was a big rash on her leg right where the bug was found. They sent her home and did not do anything. The messes up part is that she is only 1 years old and I do not have bed bugs or any kind of bug in my home.

Editor Comment on Hospital Bed Bugs

Hi Nikki,

Thanks for sharing your hospital bed bug story. Unfortunately this problem is becoming all too common.

Just like hotels that cater to travelers, who bring bed bugs along for the trip, the same is true for hospitals only worse. Since hospitals serve a wide variety of people, they are more likely to treat individuals that have large bed bug infestations. Because of this, bed bugs have been a problem in hospitals, emergency vehicles such as ambulances and cars used to support the sick.

My suggestion is to treat a hospital like you would a hotel, when trying to prevent bed bugs. This includes:

1. Only bring machine washable clothing and pack in disposable bags.

2. Inspect any hospital mattress for bed bugs. Look for signs of bed bugs, such as insects hiding in any mattress seams and hiding in the bed frame.

3. When done with the hospital stay, do not bring anything back with you unless it is sealed in a plastic bin or as I recommend, a Ziploc Big Bag. Bring the clothes directly to the washer. Wash in hot water followed by 20 to 30 minutes in the dryer.

I'm sure your bed bugs hospital story will help others. Thank you for sharing your story.

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Aug 26, 2019
Hospital gave me bed bugs
by: Anonymous

So went to hospital for day surgery and went home with clothes from hospital and within 8 days had bed bugs in my residence. Paid$900 dollars for a exterminator and another $1000 for a new mattress thanks to bed bugs transfer from hospital stay to home.

Oct 16, 2018
3 days on gurney
by: Anonymous

I recently had to go to the emergency room which they informed me I was being transferred to another hospital, I waited in that darn gurney 3 days now begging to be released by now. I came home with grossness from the face down. Its nice to know I am not the only victim.

Mar 20, 2017
I have been bitten
by: jax

I went to the hospital to see my sister, overall I was in that setting for four weeks often staying well into the early hours, I sat by my sister's side and felt a sharp bite then my ankles started to swell when I got home I found 3 bite marks and my ankle was very red and very itchy, I have put everything I can think of onto the site and it is not healing, It remains red the bite itself is sore to the touch, and will not heal.

What can I do?

Bites at the ankles are commonly caused by fleas, not bed bugs. We would suggest an over the counter anti-itch product such as baking soda based After Bite. You can also try an Oatmeal based product such as Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment for Itchy, Irritated Skin.

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